MembershipCardMembership Fees are Now Overdue

Membership Fees for 2019 are due and payable on 1st April. The fee for 2019 remains at $35 per member, the same as last year. Please pay fees to the Treasurer at the next general meeting on 11th April, or by direct deposit to the club's bank account.

Method of Payment

    1. By cash or cheque to the Treasurer at a General Meeting or posted to P.O. Box 5373, Pinewood, Vic, 3149.  Cheques should be made payable to Pinewood Combined Probus Club Inc.
    2. If paying in cash at a General meeting, please put the correct money in an envelope with your name/s clearly marked on the outside.
    3. Direct Payment to the Club Bank Account:-

a. Pinewood Community Branch of the Bendigo Bank

b. Account: BSB 633000     Account number 149147860

c. Quote your surname and the reason for payment, eg. Watkins membership dues

d. Email the Treasurer with the date and amount deposited at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 Direct Payment receipts will be available at the next general meeting